- Grants permits
- Grants street closures
- Collects information and prepares agendas and other information for Village Board and Planning Commission meetings
- Collects, organizes, and maintains records
- Records and edits meeting agendas and minutes
- Responds to requests for information from the public, other municipalities, state officials, or state and federal legislative offices.
- Issues public notification of all official activities or meetings
- Maintains fiscal records and accounts.
- Serves as a notary of the public.
- Maintains and updates documents, such as municipal codes or city charters.
- Provides assistance with events
- Performs general office duties, typing or proofreading correspondence, distributing or filing official forms, or scheduling appointments
Village Clerk
The Village Clerk's duties are vital to the daily operations of our local government and serve as the link between the Village Board, Planning Commission, citizens, and employees.
The Village Clerk's office provides clerical, record keeping, and administrative functions to the Village of Malcolm. In addition, this individual performs many tasks that assist in guiding and managing the operation of local government policy and law. Below are just a few of the responsibilities of the Village of Malcolm Clerk.
Contact Info
April Faubion
Village Clerk
137 East 2nd
Malcolm, NE
(402) 796-2250
[email protected]